Respect Responsibility Reflection Resilience

‘To be the best I can possibly be’

Empowering Learners

Our children participate in a wide variety of activities within our vibrant school community.

They are eager to experience new things, and are encouraged to be ‘the best they can possibly be’


Lots of learning is going on every day to ensure academic competence and the development of problem-solving strategies

Wakaaranga has a strong sense of community in which every child works to the best of their ability and is affirmed and acknowledged for their efforts and contributions.

Holistic Approach

Our children grow up with a deep sense of belonging.

We value inclusivity, diversity, cultural belonging and the wellbeing of all our students.

Our Communication Channels with our Community

Classroom Emails and School Newsletter

The class newsletter includes news and information relevant to your child's class e.g. upcoming trips and events.

Our principal sends you a school-wide newsletter every 2 weeks via email.

Wakaaranga School Facebook page

We share Wakaaranga school life with the wider community. This can be photos of life at school and student achievements.

Reminders and additional information

App alerts are sent to your mobile phone, reminders of key dates and information and to share additional school-wide information outside of the newsletter in a timely way.

Look for the Wakaaranga School App in the iPhone App Store and Android Play Store by searching for ‘School Apps NZ’ by Snapp Mobile.

Our School Website

The school website contains key information about our school, staff contacts, Board meeting minutes, previous newsletters, photos of events and much, much more!

Have fun exploring right here!