Payments & Permissions

Annual School Donation

For 2024, our School Donation remains at $275. Payment is to be made via the Kindo Portal and can also be made in instalments throughout the year.

School donations are crucial for funding many of the special programmes that enrich and empower teaching and learning. Students at every year level benefit from these initiatives that are not covered by Ministry of Education funding.

  • Additional teachers and teacher aides in classrooms to deliver programmes for learning support, extension and English Language Learners.

  • Music and art programmes run by specialist teachers.

  • Digital Technology equipment including resources for our robotics and STEM programme, run by a specialist teacher.

  • A well-resourced library, with a specialist librarian.

  • Access to excellent extra-curricular arts and sporting opportunities.

  • Professional development for teachers that make our staff better at teaching your children.

Thank you for your prompt payment of this donation.

Payments Fun fact…
Extrapolated out, the donation equates to $1.37  per school day!

Thank you for your cooperation!

How to login to Kindo

  1. Visit the website:

  2. Either register or login to Kindo.