How to Enrol

In Zone Enrolments

Steps to Enrol your Child if you live within our school zone:

  1. Complete the pre-enrolment application form below.

  2. Closer to your child’s start date you will be emailed a link to complete our online Enrolment form.

  3. Once you have completed the Enrolment form, please send us your child’s supporting documents. These can be emailed to or come into the office to drop them off.

  • New Zealand Birth Certificate or your child’s Passport

  • Student Visa or Residency (if applicable)

  • Childhood Immunisation record

  • Proof of your home address x 2 (either an invoice from your electricity provider, internet provider, or other utility provider together with tenancy agreement and bond lodgment).

4. Your enrolment form and supporting documentation will be checked and you will then be sent a Confirmation and information about your child’s start at Wakaaranga School.

Please check if you live within the school zone here

Wakaaranga School Zone

Street Numbers

Fordyce Ave All ODD Numbers
Fisher Parade From 134 up
From 147 Up
Pakuranga Highway EVEN numbers from 200-320
Glenmore Road All ODD Numbers
EVEN numbers 52 up
Pigeon Mt Road From 116 up
From 103 up
Bucklands Beach Road ODD numbers from 345 up
Gills Road From 131 up
From 120 UP
Himayala Drive All EVEN numbers
Prince Regent Drive ODD numbers from 47 up
EVEN numbers from 62 up
Falstaff Place EVEN numbers up to and including 32

Out of Zone Enrolments

Steps to Enrol your Child if you live outside of our school zone:

  1. Entry for out-of-zone children is by way of ballots which are held each term. Dates for when ballots close can be seen below.

  2. Complete the Out of Zone enrolment application. Please make sure this is completed before the ballot closing date.

  3. Your child’s name will be added to our ballot list. After the ballot has closed you will be contacted by email and advised of the outcome.

  4. If your child has been offered a place at Wakaaranga School please complete the online Enrolment form as soon as possible.

  5. Once you have completed the enrolment form, please send us your child’s supporting documents. These can be emailed to or come into the office to drop them off.

    • New Zealand Birth Certificate or your child’s Passport

    • Student Visa or Residency (if applicable)

    • Childhood Immunisation record

  6. Your enrolment form and supporting documentation will be checked and you will then be sent a Confirmation and information about your child’s start at Wakaaranga School.

  • Term 1 - Ballot closes 15th October 2024

    Term 2 - Ballot closes 5th February 2025

    Term 3 - Ballot closes 7th May 2025

    Term 4 - Ballot closes 23rd July 2025

  • On the ballot date, the ballot is drawn under the supervision of a Justice of the Peace, a practising lawyer, a sworn member of the Police or a local Government returning officer.

    The names are pulled out of the ballot and a waiting list is created if there are more names in the ballot than spaces available. The waiting list expires when the next ballot is held.

    Successful families are advised by email and asked to confirm acceptance (within 14 days) in writing of the place offered.  Upon acceptance they will be asked to complete the Wakaaranga School enrolment form and submit supporting documents.

    Unsuccessful families are advised by email and placed on a waiting list in the number they are drawn from the ballot.

    If successful families decline the space, or do not respond within 14 days, the place is offered to the first/next family on the waiting list.

  • Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following priority:

    First priority must be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school & approved by the Secretary of Education. Our school has no such programme.

    Second priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.

    Third priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students

    Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.

    Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.

    Sixth priority must be given to all other applicants.

    If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary for Education under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulation in the area served by the school.

  • The Board reserves the right to decide if there are spaces available and if so, how many spaces are available at any particular year level. This information will be advertised in the school newsletter and local newspaper approximately one month in advance of the ballot.