Day to Day Information

  • School assemblies take place regularly throughout the term on Friday mornings from 9am.

    Parents and family members are welcome to attend. Dates for assemblies are on the school calendar.

  • Lost property is kept in 2 locations within the school - Outside Rooms 5 and 15. Lost Property is cleaned out regularly and every effort is made to return named items.

    All clothing must be named. 

  • If parents have any concerns or queries about some aspect of their child's schooling, please make an appointment with your child's class teacher. If the matter requires further discussion or is unresolved, the appropriate team leader becomes involved.

    The Associate Principals, and then Principal, only become involved in such issues after discussions with the class teacher and team leader remained unresolved.

  • Encouraging students to cycle or scooter to school promotes physical fitness and independence. To ensure their safety and the safety of others, we have established the following guidelines:

    • Cycle/Scooter Licence: 
      Prior to riding unsupervised, parents must apply for a bike/scooter license via KINDO.

    • Age Requirement:
      Students must be 9 years or older to cycle or scooter to school unsupervised.

    • Helmet Safety:
      All students must wear a properly fitted helmet while cycling or scootering.

    • Bicycle Maintenance:
      Bicycles must be well-maintained and in roadworthy condition to ensure safe travel.

    • Road Rules:
      Students must follow all road rules and regulations.

    • Courtesy and Respect:
      Show courtesy and respect to other road users and pedestrians at all times.

    By adhering to these guidelines, we can create a safer and more enjoyable environment for everyone. Happy riding!

  • No playing on the school ground after school unless supervised by a caregiver.

    Students are welcome to enter the school grounds from 8.15am, and access classrooms from 8.30am.

    All students must leave the school grounds at 3pm unless attending formal after school programmes such as Bizzy Bods, Kelly Sports, or are supervised by a parent/caregiver.

    Student must not play on the playground or grounds unsupervised.